Friday, 11 May 2018

FFM Newletter May 2018

Hei, terve, moi, hej

and hello, dear subscriber,

from the FFM!


It's been quite the (blue and white) year!

Although the Finlandia Foundation of Montana (FFM) was established less than a year ago, we have already seen success as a young organization. It has been very rewarding for us getting to know some of the Scandinavian and Finnish people here in Missoula, as well as all of the Americans in town who have some connection to Finland or Scandinavia. There are so many of you! Now that the Nordic countries are not only trendier than ever, but also some of the most revered in the world, we know there is certainly demand and space for an organization like the FFM in Missoula. We are committed to bringing you Nordic culture, innovation, and ideas for building better, more culturally diverse communities. Much of our 2017 went in observance of the Finnish Centennial, beginning with the Traveling Sauna, and ending with an amazing dinner with our friends at Burns Street Bistro. These celebrations are behind us, we look forward to new and exciting events in the upcoming year. Some highlights of the past year include:
  • Hosting the incredible Traveling Sauna here in Missoula
  • Representing the FFM and Nordic countries at the International Fair at the University of Montana
  • Celebrating May Day in the park
  • A Danish fiddle concert in collaboration with our friends Kristian Bugge, Martin Høirup, and Jaime Fox
  • Meeting up with Maria Annala, a Finnish journalist, to talk about our Baby Box initiative (Read the article in Finnish here)
  • Nordic Brunch with our friends at Burns Street Bistro
  • Hosting an event for the Nordic exchange students in Missoula
  • Celebrating the Finnish Independence Centennial with Nordic fare made by the inimitable folks at Burns Street Bistro
And finally, we rounded out the year by celebrating Finnish Independence Day outside of the Missoula Art Museum, at the Art Park, with a full Finnish flag, warm mulled wine, and lots of Finnish tunes. What a fantastic 2017! Here are some photos from our year, from the above-mentioned events:

We have more planned for 2018
There is so much more in store for 2018. We have been busy planning events we are very excited to present to our Missoula community. We had a pleasure to be part of the InnovateUM event this spring by hosting a working luncheon with Finnish food and decor, as three visiting scholars from Aalto University and the City of Espoo shared their expertize and experience during the 3-day workshops and conferences. And an important date to remember: On June 21 we'll celebrate Midsummer. More details are soon to follow!

We always accept new members
Have you been thinking about starting a Nordic-themed book club in Missoula? Do you feel a burning desire to learn more Swedish and Danish? If you are passionate about anything Nordic, please consider joining the FFM Board. Our board meetings are fun, short, and informative. We welcome new suggestions and ideas anytime, so feel free to join in and give your two cents! Contact us via e-mail here.
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